Deputy Director, Transportation Centre of EPFL (TRACE)
Simone holds a Master’s Degree in Materials Engineering (Perugia University, Italy) and a PhD in Microtechnology (EPFL). Simone has worked in industry in machine tooling, renewable energies and rail transport. For the last four years he has been the Executive Director of the Transportation Centre of EPFL which is a gateway for partners interested in mobility innovation projects. Simone has a passion for mountain biking. An urban dweller who loves nature, he lives in Lausanne with his two children.

Alain Bützberger is a traffic engineer and entrepreneur helping cities, municipalities and companies to analyse and optimise traffic and safety management. Before founding SWISSTRAFFIC in 1999, Alain worked as director in transport, environment and spatial planning sections, project leader and mathematics teacher. After a successful engineering career, Alain now consults Smart City and Smart Mobility decision-makers on how to benefit from new technologies based on artificial intelligence and sensors. Thanks to his professional experience with cities and municipalities, Alain knows the difficulties associated with traffic data management. He always follows the latest technical developments in the field of artificial intelligence and develops new measurement methods that meet the various requirements of smart cities.

Geographer, Nascatech Sàrl
Lucien Combaz is a geographer and specialised in mobility whilst working for five years for an engineering consultancy in Canton of Valais. He also worked as a project manager in banks and government agencies in Geneva and Biel (Switzerland). He managed an SME involved in various sectors which gave him the opportunity to teach in the fields of environmental management, transport and airport crisis management. He founded Nascatech Sàrl in 2019, as a company involved in mobility, project management and sustainability. In particular, Nascatech markets a spontaneous ridesharing solution labelled QuickPick, designed for regions that are not well supported by public transportation services. Lucien Combaz is also involved with associations promoting soft mobility.

Journalist with Heidi News
Fabrice Delaye discovered the Internet on 18 July 1994 on the computer screens of the inventors of the worldwide web at CERN. On the same day the NASA was broadcasting images, almost live, of the collision of the comet Shoemaker-Levy with the Jupiter planet… Fascinated, Fabrice has followed ever since digital technologies but also biotechnologies and enlarged his interests to microelectronics and infrastructures. What is Fabrice’s current purpose? Showcase to the Heidi News readers the laboratories that are developing our immediate future and shine a light on the creative processes underpinning our economy. Fabrice has been science, technology and health journalist for Heidi News since August 2019. Prior to joining Heidi News, Fabrice managed the technology column of the Bilan magazine since 2006 and had been the US correspondent of Agefi in association with the Technology review of MIT from 2001 to 2005. Fabrice is a graduate from the Paris Institute of Political Sciences and from EPFL. He also wrote the first biography of Patrick Aebischer, Emeritus President of EPFL.

Expert for cable transportation, Mobility Service of the Canton of Valais
Gilles Délèze is a geographer and a graduate from the University of Fribourg. He has worked for more than twenty years for the State of Valais as head of cable transportation projects, both for ski resorts and for linkages between plains and mountains. As a generalist, he manages the broad picture and coordinates the input between the various specialists involved in new projects.

Marketing Director, Transports Lausannois (TL)
Sébastien Dufaut is head of marketing of TL, the public transportation company of Lausanne, Switzerland. His team is in charge of implementing the customer-oriented strategy of the TL (Vision 2025). The current projects include CRM extension, multimodal solutions development and advertising revenues growth strategy. Prior to joining TL, Sébastien worked in the telecommunication industry in France, Germany and Switzerland. He graduated from Paris-Dauphine University (F) and holds an Executive MBA from EPFL(CH).

Professor HES SO Valais Wallis
Christoph Ellert, professor of Physics, PhD (1995) at the University of Freiburg, Germany, has pursued 10 years of fundamental research in nanoparticle physics and intense laser field interaction with matter. In 2000, he joined the solar industry at TiNOx in Germany, where he worked for selective solar thermal absorbers and, from 2003 to 2010, at Oerlikon Solar, Switzerland, for tandem thin film silicon solar modules, as in charge of the development of thin-film plasma deposition reactors. Since 2010, he teaches physics and solar energy at HESSO Valais. He is dedicated to the harmonious integration of solar energy into the energy system through sectoral coupling, with an interest in the production of renewable hydrogen for stationary applications as well as for the mobility sector.

Deputy Director Antenne Région Valais Romand and Coordinator for the ‘Agglo Valais Central’
Léonard Evéquoz holds a Master’s Degree from EPFL and specialised in the development of projects with a high territorial content. Originally trained as a geomatician he then studied environmental engineering at EPFL and in epidemiology at the University of Michigan (USA). More recently he completed a COS in Data Science and Machine Learning through the EPFL extension school. From 2015 to 2019 he applied his academic knowledge and his military experience (pilot school and military intelligence) to support the ‘Agglo Valais Central’ regional development project. This project enables 19 communes to collaborate on mobility, territorial planning and environmental management. Léonard Evequoz was then appointed as Deputy Director of the ‘Antenne Régions Valais Romand’ in November 2019.

Mobility Specialist, Antenne Région Valais Romand
Romain Fournier trained as a geographer and holds a BA in physical geography and a Master’s degree in Urban Geography from the Lausanne University. He worked for nearly seven years for the Sion city as a Mobility specialist within the urban planning and mobility service. In this role he coordinated the planning of the various transportation modes (soft mobility, public transport, individual transport by car) and was a member of the team in charge of the operation of the autonomous shuttle (‘Smart Shuttle’) project.
In 2019 Romain joined the ‘Antenne Région Valais Romand’ (ARVr) as Mobility Specialist. He is involved in mobility and territorial planning projects at the regional level and the intercommunity level (agglomeration projects, masterplans at the intermunicipal level etc.).

Head of Travel Services, TMR SA
Daniel Goncalves holds a federal diploma in business economics and started his career as a locomotive pilot and regulation official for railway traffic. He then took on management responsibilities as head of operations for railway traffic in diverse operating conditions and then head of distribution and sales. In 2019 Daniel joined TMR SA as head of the Travel Services.

Coordinator ‘Espace Mont Blanc’, State of Valais, Economy, Tourism and Innovation Department
Ismaël Grosjean holds a Master’s Degree in Geography from the University of Geneva, Economics and Social Sciences Department. He has worked for more than ten years for the State of Valais in territorial planning, economic promotion and cross-border cooperation. Today he is the Coordinator for the ‘Espace Mont Blanc’ (France, Switzerland-Italy) and Head of Project Interreg and is responsible for Quality and Environment for the Department for Economy, Tourism and Innovation. He advocates, supports and develops cross-border projects linking the Valais and neighbouring regions of Italy and France. These projects aim to create innovative cross border business opportunities in mobility, tourism, energy and health.

Commercial Director and Head of Energy Products, Altis SA Group
Blaise Lovisa holds an electrical engineering degree from EPFZ and conducted a scientific thesis at EPFL. He has more than fifteen years of experience in industry and applied research and managed an incubator dedicated to energy and health located in the centre of Sion. In his current position with the Altis SA Group in Bagnes, he develops and markets products and services associated with buildings and mobility.

President of TeleSion, Director of FMV, former President of the Sion City Council
Marcel Maurer was born in Sion. He is an electrical engineer and studied energy and environmental sciences in Zurich and Lausanne. He participated in the development of the Engineering School of the Canton du Valais.
As a municipal councillor of Sion, he led projects such as the renovation of the UTO incineration plant. He participated in the promotion of electric vehicles in Switzerland at the Federal level. As President of the Sion council, he launched the ‘AggloSion’ project and contributed to the establishment of the EPFL School in Valais. Passionate about renewable energies and soft mobility, he is currently participating in the challenges of the ‘Forces Motrices Valaisannes’ (hydroelectricity generation company). He is also a beekeeper and a small grower of saffron!

Associate Partner, McKinsey Geneva, and member of the McKinsey Centre for the Mobility of the Future.
Thibaut is an Associate Partner in McKinsey’s Geneva office and a core member of the McKinsey Center for Future Mobility, a think tank created to help business leaders and policy makers come to terms with a future that is increasingly autonomous, connected, electrified, and shared.
Before McKinsey, Thibaut completed a doctorate in elementary particle physics at the University of Cambridge in collaboration with the European Centre for Nuclear Research (CERN). He is a citizen of France and German.

Urban Planner, Bagnes Commune
Guillaume Page holds a Bachelor's degree in Geography and Environment as well as a Master’s degree in Territorial Development from the University of Geneva (obtained in January 2019). Guillaume Page has previously worked for Urbaplan, an urban planning consultant in Lausanne, for a year. In May 2019 he was appointed as head of the territorial planning service of the Commune of Bagnes and urban planner.

President of Salvan Commune
By trade Florian Piasenta (35y old) is a hotel and restaurant manager. He heads his family company which includes a zoo, a swimming pool and two restaurants. He has been a member of the Council of the Salvan Commune for 7 years and has been the President for 3 years. He is also a director for various companies in mobility, tourism, ski resorts and energy. Finally he is the co-President of the Steering Committee of the Natural Park of the Trient Valley which aims to drive economic development, sustainable development and soft mobility in the Trient region.

Secrétaire Général, CleantechAlps
Eric Plan - Ms Sc Mechanical Engineering EPFL, is the Head of energy and environment initiatives at CimArk ltd in Sion. He led on-site measurement campaigns in Asia/USA for ABB Power Generation (now GE). Joined 1996 the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) as deputy manager for the STEG unit (safety of technical installations). Since 2010, acting as General Secretary of CleantechAlps, the cleantech leading cluster in Switzerland. He also managed SusChem Switzerland’s secretariat till spring 2019, the Swiss association for sustainable chemistry refering to the european platform in Brussels. During his many years of practical experience in the field, he has developed both an expertise of the Swiss innovation ecosystem and particular networks within the political, governmental, economic, academic and financial spheres. He plays an active role in both national and international networks and jurys in crosscutting industrial branches.

Director of the Center for Energy and Municipal Research (CREM)
Jakob is from Dortmund in Germany. He has a doctorate in science from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) and a master's degree in economics and industrial engineering from the University of Karlsruhe (KIT). In 2015, he successfully presented his doctoral thesis on the optimization of an urban energy system. He is passionate about the analysis of complex energy systems in a holistic way and from the point of view of sustainable development. Since September 2016, he is Director of the Center for Energy and Municipal Research (CREM) in Martigny. At the same time, he is a member of several working groups and committees. He is also a lecturer at the University of Engineering and Management of the Canton of Vaud (HEID-VD). a photo et la biographie de Jakob Rager

Development manager, Transports Publics du Chablais SA
Member of the management of the Public Tansports of Chablais’s region since 2018, Hugues Romain is an expert in design, mobility, methods of operation, novelty and agility deployed in the MobiChablais network, or the IT systems of the mobility profession. Hugues Romain has also been a Director of RCSmobility from 2005 to 2017, and is the co-founder of the Movi + , which brings together all types of transports companies within the French part of Switzerland, and which makes it possible to pool their efforts and their expertise.

President of the Council, Commune de Bagnes
After studies in literature and a bachelor’s degree from the University of Fribourg, Eloi Rossier taught at the Maya-Joie school in la Fouly, where he was principal from 1990 to 2012. With a diploma in Sports Management from the IDEHAP and Swiss Olympic, he became President of Ski Valais and member of the board of Swiss Ski. He also chaired the Raiffeisen branch of Bagnes-Vollèges. The Bagnes population elected him as President of the Commune de Bagnes in October 2012 and again in October 2016 for a second mandate. Born in 1953, he is married with three children, and lives in le Châble.

COO MotionTag
Fabien is the COO and Managing Director of MOTIONTAG. He supports the company in all finance-related matters and leads the sales division. As the creative head of MOTIONTAG, he pushes the company to think outside the box and ensures agile business conduct. Besides working on sound business and financial plans, he strives to ensure the smooth internal operations at MOTIONTAG. With previous experience in the private banking sector at Lombard Odier in Geneva, Fabien holds an MA in Banking and Finance from the University of St.Gallen.

VMIF Founder
Isabelle Schirmer is the founder of the Verbier Mobility Investment Forum.
Isabelle is an adviser and investor focused on the environmental sector. She has nearly 30 years of international experience in strategy, corporate development, M&A and investment applied to the natural resources, industry and energy. From 2010 to 2014, Isabelle was investment adviser for a venture capital fund incubated by Hazel Capital. Prior to this, she held senior executive roles with BP Plc and Arjo Wiggins Appleton and she was a senior consultant with London Economics. She started as a project economist with the World Bank, based in Washington DC.
Isabelle holds an MBA from INSEAD (with Distinction) and Master’s Degrees from the Paris Institute of Technology (Agro Paris Tech) and the University of Wisconsin in the US. Isabelle has long held interests in resource efficiency, environmental management and development economics. She was a non-executive director of City Car Club when it was the largest independent car club in the UK.
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Group Managing Director, Tech Tour
A Belgian national, William Stevens holds an MBA from EAP-European School of Management (also with Diplôme de Grande Ecole and Diplom Kaufmann degrees) and previously with as well as Bachelor in Economics. He started his career at the European Venture Capital Association (EVCA) – now re-named Invest Europe- where he was appointed the youngest Secretary General ever at the age of 25. He put this influential association on its successful growth path and launched many initiatives, one that led to the creation of Nasdaq Europe. After a short stint as an investment banker, William founded Europe Unlimited to be a much-needed European hub for fast-growing tech entrepreneurs and investors. William also took responsibility for the Tech Tour community after which the group is now renamed. Today, Tech Tour is a vibrant community fostering the growth of world class tech entrepreneurs and developing strategic partnerships with Europe’s most active investors and corporate developers.

Nascatech sàrl
David Stocco is the co-founder of Andromeda Cooperative, the first company from the HES-SO Team Academy program. This training in business economics is distinguished by a program focused on practice, without courses or teachers. David Stocco works with Nascatech sàrl to bring a creative entrepreneurial vision to the QuickPick project.

Head of Sales Europe, Bestmile SA
As Head of Sales Europe, Luc is responsible for helping the region’s public and private mobility service providers find optimized solutions for new and existing transportation networks. He is a renowned expert and frequent speaker on on-demand driverless and human-driven mobility systems and has helped the Europe’s largest public transit deploy the majority of the autonomous fleets deployed to date. Prior to joining Bestmile, Luc held executive leadership positions in innovative international companies in France, the United States, and Switzerland and has been instrumental in their growth and acquisition by market leaders such as Red Hat or App Dynamics.

Co-head of Research, Centre for Energy and Municipal Research (CREM).
Diane Von Gunten is co-head of applied research at CREM. She studied physics at EFPL and environmental sciences at ETH and holds a PhD from the University of Tübingen in Germany. Her research interests include mobility, energy planning and complex systems modelling.

Political journalist, Le Temps
Bernard Wüthrich was born in Bern in 1957. He studied at the French language school in Bern, at the Cantonal college in Neuchatel and then at the University of Neuchatel. Bernard graduated with a B.A. in History and English in 1982. After spending a year in Northern Ireland studying English, he caught the ‘journalism bug’ and completed his internship at the Official Gazette in Neuchâtel. From 1985 to 1991, he was national correspondent for the newspaper La Suisse in the canton of Neuchâtel, before heading its national section in Geneva until 1991. He then became parliamentary correspondent for La Suisse, Agefi and the Journal de Genève, and for Le Temps from 1998 onwards. From 2004 to 2010, he was responsible for the national politics column at Le Temps and he currently heads the Berne office of this daily newspaper.