Thursday 7 April 2016 from 9am to 4.15pm
Eloi Rossier President of the Commune de Bagnes
Nicolas Louvet, CEO, 6 t, consulting and research firmin mobility
New services and new business models available to local governments, companies
and private individuals
Who will prevail in the future: global specialists in car-sharing, ride-sharing and on demand
transport or regional platforms aggregating different types of shared mobility offers?
carsharing, ridesharing and hybrid or multi-service platforms
Lessons learned from ridesharing in ‘Arc Jurassien’ since 2011
Giorgio Giovannini, General Manager, Mobilidée Sàrl
Taxito, connecting public and private transport in rural areaa
Martin Beutler, Founder and Manager
YoCar! Free floating electric car sharing project
Walter Cruz, Founder
Catch a Car ! Premiers résultats de l’expérience Mobility à Bâle,
Luis-Miguel Gomez, Mobility CarSharing AG
MOPeasy, a combined carsharing/ride sharing solution for local governments and enterprises
Bruno Flinois, President
Growth drivers? Market segments growing the fastest?
p>Is demand driven by local governments, companies or private individuals?
p>What is the share of e mobility in shared mobility?
p>What are the service and technology innovations?/
Who are the new entrants?
Discussion facilitated by
César Conforti, Professor at HEIA-Fr and director of the ‘team+’ consulting firm
Panellists, in addition to previous speakers:
Professor Pini, Director of the Observatory for Mobility of the University of Geneva (OUM)
Christian Hänggi, President of the Swiss Association of Transport Engineers and Experts
(SVI) and Director Transitec Sa
Quels sont les moteurs de croissance ?
Quels segments de marché croissent le plus rapidement ?
Entre collectivités locales, entreprises et particuliers, qui tire la demande ?
Quelle est la place de la mobilité électrique dans les offres de mobilité partagée ?
Quelles sont les innovations d’offre (service, technologie etc.) ?
Qui sont les nouveaux entrants ?
Débat modéré par
César Conforti, Prof. à l’HEIA-Fr et directeur du bureau team+
Avec, en sus des intervenants précédents :
Professeur Pini, Directeur de l’Observatoire de la Mobilité à Genève
Christian Hänggi, Président de l’Ass. suisse des ingénieurs et expert en transports (SVI)
et Directeur Transitec
Vincent Pellissier, Chief Engineer for the Canton and Head of the Department for roads,
transport and waterways (SRTCE)
devenir transport à la demande ?
Cristal Solution : electric and bimodal transport system
Jean François Argence, Director for New Mobilities, Lohr Industry Group
On demand public transport, the 'agile bus' project for Chablais Agglo,
Philippe Gentizon, Director RR&A, Roland Ribi & Associés SA, consulting firm, mobility and urban planning
From VeloPass to PubliBike, what are the success factors for shared mobility solutions based
on bikes?
Vincent Pellissier, VeloPass co-founder
‘How can Big Data support Mobility?' Case studies in Montreux and Pully
Raphael Rollier, Swisscom SA., head of the Smart City programme
‘Ecovillages’ Forum and its Hackathon 2016: Access, mobility and services for mountain
Didier Faure, Eco Villages Les Diablerets
Swiss Mobility Days at the CERM in Martigny
Test electric and hybrid vehicles in the test drive area of the Swiss Mobility Days;
Participate in a tour of the Energypolis EPFL - Valais Wallis demonstration station together with the participants to the Scientific Symposium organised on 7 April by the Swiss Mobility Days. The demonstration station includes a 'redox flow' type vanadium battery which stores excess electricity and generates hydrogen. It is planned to combine the battery with a fast charging station for electric vehicles and a hydrogen recharge station for vehicles powered with hydrogen fuel cells. et/ou